SIZE Advisory is a trusted full-service partner for growth-stage companies that has partnered with Good People to help fill talent needs for their various companies.

The team at Good People consists of experienced recruiting consultants with a deep understanding of senior-level roles across all departments, particularly in the consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry, including fashion, beauty, and wellness brands. This makes Good People an ideal partner for SIZE Advisory.

The Impact

The integration of Good People into the SIZE team has been a resounding success. Good People’s presence is felt as active and professional members, resulting in cross-functional services being presented to both SIZE and Good People’s clients. This collaborative approach has enabled the identification of top talent, contributing to growth, the opening of new channels, and the continued pursuit of growth strategies for SIZE’s clients.

“Lara and the team at Good People have become an invaluable part of the SIZE family. Our clients appreciate the quality talent Good People sends our way and we have witnessed continued business growth as a result of this partnership.”

– Brian Schwartz, Co-Founder of SIZE