The Challenge

De La Calle, a leading tepache beverage brand with widespread national distribution at esteemed retailers like Whole Foods, Target, and Walmart, has already achieved remarkable success and popularity. However, the brand sought to further enhance its market dominance by optimizing sales velocity off the shelf. Despite its existing acclaim and broad consumer appeal, De La Calle recognized the untapped potential to amplify its shopper marketing efforts and accelerate growth momentum.

The Solution

GOOD PEOPLE was enlisted to identify and recruit top-tier candidates with extensive CPG marketing experience. These candidates were sought for their ability to scale food and beverage brands and bring a proven playbook for growth to De La Calle. Through a rigorous recruitment process, Good People identified individuals with a track record of success in shopper marketing strategies tailored to the unique challenges of the beverage retail landscape.

The Impact

The strategic hiring of seasoned talent resulted in the implementation of enhanced shopper marketing strategies across retail partners. These initiatives included targeted in-store promotions, experiential marketing activations, and digital engagement campaigns. As a result, De La Calle experienced a notable increase in sales velocity, driving greater visibility, engagement, and conversion among consumers. The brand saw measurable revenue growth and market share expansion, solidifying its position as a frontrunner in the competitive beverage industry landscape.

The Takeaway

This case study underscores the transformative impact of strategic talent acquisition in driving business growth and market dominance. By partnering with industry-specific talent, brands like De La Calle can overcome challenges and unlock new expansion opportunities, ultimately achieving tangible success in today’s dynamic marketplace.