The Challenge

Trace Minerals, a health and wellness products company, faced the challenge of developing and
implementing an effective growth marketing strategy.

With the absence of an internal marketing team, the company recognized the need to hire a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) with a strong background in growth marketing and experience in the beauty or wellness industry. Furthermore, the CMO needed to be based in Utah to work closely with the team in person.

The Solution

Trace Minerals engaged the services of GOOD PEOPLE, to find a suitable CMO candidate.

GOOD PEOPLE leveraged their industry knowledge and network to identify and present more than eight highly qualified CMO candidates with expertise in the health and wellness sector.

To assess the candidates’ experience in scaling omni-channel brands, particularly in growth
marketing, GOOD PEOPLE developed a comprehensive questionnaire. The questionnaire delved into topics such as scale levels achieved, timeframes, marketing budget management, return on ad spend (ROAS), conversion rates, team management, and the balance between hands-on execution and strategic leadership.

GOOD PEOPLE also assisted Trace Minerals in organizing and managing the logistics for in-person interviews, ensuring a smooth and efficient interview process while maintaining candidate engagement throughout.

The Impact

The prompt and diligent actions taken by GOOD PEOPLE had a positive impact on Trace Minerals.

The company had a wide selection of qualified candidates to choose from, enabling them to make an informed hiring decision. The selected CMO seamlessly integrated into the existing team and immediately made a significant impact on the company’s growth trajectory.

The CEO of Trace Minerals expressed satisfaction with the new CMO’s ability to effectively represent the brand and implement successful marketing strategies aligned with the company’s goals. The partnership with GOOD PEOPLE proved fruitful in securing a marketing leader who possessed the necessary expertise and experience to drive growth.

The Takeaway

By partnering with GOOD PEOPLE, Trace Minerals successfully recruited a highly qualified CMO with extensive experience in growth marketing. This strategic hiring decision significantly influenced the company’s growth trajectory, leading to cost savings and increased sales.

The CEO expressed great satisfaction with the collaboration with GOOD PEOPLE and intends to continue working with them in the future for their recruitment needs.

“We are absolutely thrilled with our new CMO that was discovered by Good People. It was a hard choice to make as they sent us so many very qualified candidates. Our partnership with GOOD PEOPLE is extremely valuable, and we plan on continuing to work with them.”