Your business is growing and you need good people to help take you to the next level. Below you'll find expert advice and resources for those looking to expand their teams with top-tier talent.


It’s 2024, and it’s time to debunk some common misconceptions about recruiters. Understanding the truth can help both employers and job seekers make the most of their recruiting experience. Let’s set the record straight: 💸 Myth 1: Recruiters Are Expensive The Reality: Partnering with a skilled recruiter can actually save you money in the long […]

3 Myths About Recruiters We Need to Stop Believing in 2024

Advice for Hiring Managers

Congrats! You’ve worked your way up and are now a boss. Becoming a manager is a significant milestone in any professional career. However, the transition from team member to team leader comes with its own set of challenges. It’s crucial to avoid behaviors that can lead to dissatisfaction, low morale, and high turnover among the […]


Advice for Hiring Managers

Woman holding computer

In an era where remote work has become the new norm, companies and employees alike are finding ways to thrive in this flexible work environment. At Good People Recruitment, we understand the challenges and opportunities that come with remote work. Here, we delve deeper into the strategies to ensure success in a remote work setting. […]

Adapting to Remote Work: Strategies for Success

Advice for Hiring Managers

Remote Work

In today’s fast-paced work environment, team retreats have become essential for fostering collaboration, boosting morale, and enhancing productivity. Whether you’re looking to improve communication, spark creativity, or simply recharge your team’s batteries, a well-planned retreat can provide lasting benefits. Here are some innovative team retreat ideas and the numerous advantages they bring to your organization. […]

Unlocking Team Potential: Creative Retreat Ideas & Their Benefits


Woman celebrating in nature on a team retreat

Determining the cost of an unfilled position extends beyond mere numbers; it encompasses the holistic impact on your organization’s efficiency, morale, and competitiveness. While industry research may offer estimates, the real consequences often surpass these figures. Here’s why: 1. Burden on Existing Staff:     – When a position remains vacant, existing team members shoulder additional responsibilities, […]

The True Cost of Unfilled Positions

Advice for Hiring Managers

In the quest for the ideal candidate, traditional methods often fall short of capturing the essence of an individual’s potential. Behavioral-based job interview questions offer a solution, providing invaluable insights into a candidate’s past experiences and actions. By focusing on real-life scenarios, these questions enable employers to assess a candidate’s problem-solving abilities, interpersonal skills, and […]

Predicting Success: The Science of Behavioral-Based Job Interviews

Advice for Hiring Managers

Woman in Chair

In the rush to onboard new hires quickly, we often overlook the human side of recruitment. But what if we paused, allowing candidates a two-week notice and a week-long break before they start work? This unconventional approach offers surprising benefits for both employer and employee. By granting candidates a two-week notice period, we acknowledge the […]

Embracing Humanity in Hiring: The Case for Giving Candidates a Break

Advice for Hiring Managers

Embracing Humanity Women Holding Out Hands

In the world of professional advancement, the decision to move on from a current employer can be a daunting one. It’s a choice often preceded by careful consideration, reflection on career goals, and sometimes even a sense of loyalty to the company. However, once you’ve made the bold move to tender your resignation, there’s a […]

Why Accepting a Counter Offer Is a Career Misstep

Advice for Hiring Managers

The first days of a new job are like the opening chapters of a novel – they set the tone for the entire story. In the realm of human resources, this narrative unfolds through a well-designed onboarding plan, a roadmap that not only welcomes new employees but propels them toward success within the organization. 4 […]

Why an Effective Onboarding Plan is critical for success

Advice for Hiring Managers

It’s not uncommon for popular companies to underpay employees because of their perceived coolness. But expecting people to work for less money just because your brand is considered ‘cool’ is a recipe for failure.

The Pitfalls of Underpaying Employees for Perceived Coolness

Advice for Hiring Managers